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Does Your Child Need Vitamins?

Most infants and children do not need vitamin supplementation as the food they eat will provide them with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The First Year of Life

Formula will provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development.  Breast milk does not provide sufficient vitamin D.  Thus, it is recommended that beginning at 2 months, a vitamin supplement, such as Tri vi sol, should be given to your infant daily.

If your child is breastfeeding, an additional source of iron is required in your child's diet after 6 months of age. Therefore, iron fortified cereals should be started by 6 months and baby foods containing meats should be started by 8 months. At the 9 month checkup, we will check your child's hematocrit (a simple blood test in the office) to look for anemia (low blood count) due to iron deficiency. If your child has anemia, we will discuss iron supplementation.

We may also consider vitamins in the first year of life if your child was born prematurely (<35 weeks gestation) or has other underlying conditions. If you have any questions or other concerns, please discuss them with your practitioner.

After the First Year of Life

Most children will not need vitamins. You should provide your child with:

If you decide to give vitamins to your child remember:

Special Considerations

Ask your pediatrician or nurse practitioner about vitamins if: