Covid-19 Announcement  Schedule Flu or Covid Vaccine

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Child Wellness

Checkup Schedule

Seeing children and parents at regular intervals is important in maintaining your child's health, evaluating growth and development, discussing safety, nutrition and behavior, answering questions, and administering vaccinations.


  1. Recommended (CDC) Immunization Schedule
  2. Vaccine Controversies
    1. Too Many Too Soon?
    2. Are Vaccine Ingredients Safe?
    3. Vaccines and Autism
  3. Vaccine Information
    1. The Vaccine Education Center (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
    2. Vaccines for Your Children by the CDC
  4. Roswell Pediatrics' Vaccine Position Statement

Dental Care

  1. Baby Teeth
  2. Healthy Habits
  3. 7 Toothbrushing Tunes Your Kids Will Love
  4. Tooth Eruption Charts (Primary and Permanent)
  5. Common Pediatric Dental Concerns
  6. Ask your provider for a list of dental providers in the area.

Speech and Language Development

  1. How Does Your Child Hear and Talk
  2. Speech and Articulation Development Chart
  3. Child Language Development Chart
  4. Speech Sound Disorders
  5. Speech Referral Guidelines for Pediatric Patients

Growth and development

  1. Learn the Signs and Act Early (CDC) - From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child's development and act early if you have a concern.
  2. Age-appropriate Games and Developmental Milestones for your baby (by Loving Care, see sections on 'Growth and Development')
    1. Birth to 6 Months
    2. 6 to 12 Months
    3. 1 to 3 Years

Additional Topics